This Algae Booster Package with Pods consists of macros and
marine plants. It will filter nutrients
from your water and feed your fish at the same time. Pods
breed within the algae and get pumped into your main tank. It is
great for new smaller refugiums or for "adding life" to
an existing refugium.
This Cleaner Package is great for existing
refugiums or refugiums that have been established for a long time.
We recommend this package for larger refugiums of at least five gallons
in size.
This package contains critters designed to clean and refresh your
refugiums' sand bed. The package includes: Common Marginella Snails, Cerith Snails and Nassarius Vibex Snails.
10 Common Marginella Snails{Detrivoures, stirrers}
Small Package: $27.99
Lg. Package
20 Nass. vibex Snails{Detrivoures, stirrers}
20 Cerith snails{Detrivoures, sand stirrers}
15 Common Marginella Snails{Detrivoures, stirrers}
Large Package: $52.99
Cleaner Package
This Cleaner Package is great for existing
refugiums or refugiums that have been established for a long time.
We recommend this package for larger refugiums of at least five gallons
in size.
This package contains critters designed to clean and refresh your
refugiums' sand bed. The package includes: "LIVE" Mud(containing worms), Cerith Snails and Pods.
Sm. Package contains:
1 Cup "LIVE" Mud
10 Cerith snails{Detrivoures, sand stirrers}
2 portions Mixed Pods{Detrivoures, food}
Small Package: $32.99
Lg. Package
2 Cups "LIVE" Mud
20 Cerith snails{Detrivoures, sand stirrers}
4 portions Mixed Pods{Detrivoures, food}
Large Package: $68.99
Refugium Starter Mix
This Starter Package consists of macros, marine plants and useful detritivores. It will filter nutrients from your water and feed your tank at the same time.