Cerith Snails
Our Cerith snails are collected off the west coast of Florida. They are found on muddy grass beds where they help to keep slime and nuisance algae off of the sea grasses. They will spend time on your substrate nibbling on detritus, or they will be found crawling up the glass or plants and rocks searching for algae. It is reported that they will consume diatoms. It takes quite a few of them to put a dent in rapidly growing algae outbreaks. They make excellent nano inhabitants.
Each snail = .99 cents
Marginella Snails
Common Marginella snails are very attractive miniature Cowery type snails. These snails are detrivores and active scavengers. They will bury themselves in the substrate from time to time. They will devour extra food that falls uneaten.
Each snail = 1.19 cents
Silky Tegula Snails
They are found on sandy grass beds where they help to keep slime and nuisance algae off of the sea grasses. You will find them crawling up the glass or plants and rocks searching for algae. It is reported that they will consume diatoms. They are a small sized snail so it takes quite a few of them to put a dent in rapidly growing algae outbreaks. We have limited quantities of this snail. They are rare in the aquarium trade, but very useful for cleaning algae other snails won't. These are collected by us in the FL Keys. They are a tropical snail.
Mexican Turbo Snails
Turbo snails do a very good job of eating various types of algae. They will consume filamentous algae, green slime
and diatoms.
These snails vary in size from the size of a large marble to about the size of a table tennis ball.
Zebra Turbo Snails
Zebra Turbo snails are extremely hardy and eat a ton of algae. They are a larger snail and may require some assistance righting themselves in some circumstances. They will withstand many water quality issues to help alleviate numerous algae emergencies.
Each snail = 1.20 cents
Chestnut Turban Snails
Chestnut Turban snails are amoung the hardiest of the "turbo" snails. We collect these wonderful snails from the tropical waters around the Florida Keys. They will consume filamentous algae, green slime
and diatoms.
These snails vary in size from the size of a BB to about the size of a marble. They will get as large as a large marble. They are young and growing, so they will eat a ton of algae. This is the best time to get these snails. They will adapt easier to your system and will grow in your tank and maintain algal growth for well over a year or more.
Virgin Nerite Snails
These beautiful little snails are great algae eaters. We watch them eat slime algae off rocks in the wild and off of our glass in captivity. They are true marine nerites. These snails do not get very big; about the size of a woman's thumbnail. We have found at least 6 different beautiful shell designs and personally collect them in the Florida Keys. They have been known to reproduce in captivity. The Virgin Nerites are native to the Bahamas. We have tapped into one of the only known areas in the U.S. where these snails reside. The story has it, from the source, that Julian Sprung had collected several of these unique snails on a trip to the Bahamas and released them in Florida. They are doing quite well in their new, transplanted home. THEY WILL NOT CLIMB OUT OF YOUR TANK!!